About Tents and Aunties

I’d like to take a few minutes and introduce each Tent and Auntie to you just in case you were wondering which tent to join. Or perhaps you were just curious about the other Tents and Aunties. Either way, enjoy!

Tent Name: Baking Up Books

Tent Auntie: Hannah F.

Two facts about the auntie:
An author of gentle, clean, Christian, romance and a leftie (left handed, not politics)


Tent is known for:
Eating too many cookies, sharing too many memes, having fun, sleeping in (except for those who wake up early)

This is what Auntie Hannah F. says her tent looks like only there are a few more and they all connect with doors opening between the tents. Think how lovely it would be to sleep with the sound of water gently lapping the dock below you.

Tent Name: Brookside Stories

Tent Auntie: Kylie

Two facts about the auntie:
Little Women is her favorite book of all-time (excluding the Bible, of course), and she wrote dramatic monologues & play scripts before deciding to write books – now she does both ?

Introvert (though kind of extroverted sometimes)

Tent is known for:
Long discussions about random things – especially food and books ?

This is what Auntie Kylie says her tent looks like. Everyone sleeps in hammocks here, and look at the stars you get to see at night! Her tent is just off the edge of the woods and has a perfect place for star-gazing.

Tent Name: Chickadee Corner

Tent Auntie: Chelsea

Two facts about the auntie:
Sometimes she gets so excited listening to music that she literally jumps up and down; she owns her favourite chickadee painting in five different versions: as a print, on a notebook, as a puzzle, and on a cross stitch project she liked so much she replicated part of it for a decorative pillow!


Tent is known for:
Chatter, late night conversations and encouraging each other on to new heights in their writing

This is what Auntie Chelsea said her tent looks like. It’s a little bigger than it looks, is surrounded by tall pine trees, and has a huge bird feeder out front with a large flock of tame chickadees who will eat out of your hand! You will get to sleep in hammocks and macrame nests hanging from the ceiling at different heights, full of lots of comfy pillows and cushions.

Tent Name: Fable Glade

Tent Auntie: Olivia

Two facts about the auntie:
Reads/Writes historical fiction and fantasy. Her favorite desserts include chocolate and caramel


Tent is known for:
Coziness, having seasonal theme prompts, and uplifting.

This is what Auntie Olivia says her tent looks like only one larger tent instead of many. Everyone gets to sleep in hammocks here. There are lanterns hanging from the trees and some small lights lining the path to the tent. It is just lovely in the glade at night!

Tent Name: Green Gables Garrett

Tent Auntie: Courtenay

Two facts about the auntie:
Her favourite book to read when sick in bed is Emily Post’s Etiquette; she has tried almost every potato chip flavour they make – including maple moose! 


Tent is known for:
Behaving itself

This is what Auntie Courtenay says her tent looks like only a little more rectangular. There is a light the shines on the porch, but it gets turned off at 9 every evening so it doesn’t disturb other campers. You can sleep on bunk beds or in hammocks in this tent. And there are seats on the porch where you can write.

Tent Name: Hundred Acre Hideout

Tent Auntie: Hannah E.

Two facts about the auntie:
She primarily writes books for a middle-grade audience; she tried teaching herself to read at the age of four (her mom then stepped in and taught her properly) and has been a bookworm ever since.


Tent is known for:
New Tent!

The sidewalls are higher than shown, high enough for bunkbeds. Each bunk has a giant stuffed animal character from Winnie-the-Pooh. The windows let in lots of natural light and provide a motivating view of the wood. There’s a honey tree close to the tent, and rumor has it that there is a secret tunnel that leads to Writer’s Woodland.

Tent Name: Pickwick Orchard

Tent Auntie: Bekah

Two facts about the auntie:
She had a mallard duck as a pet when she was a young girl; she began and finished her first children’s chapter book at age eleven and steadily wrote seven more books in the series over the next several years, publishing the first in the series at age seventeen.

Introverted Extrovert 

Tent is known for:
NEW TENT! Don’t know what it will become known for. 

This is what Auntie Bekah said about her tent. Since it is in an orchard, the tent can be found in the midst of the trees in the orchard. The tent is like the one in the picture only much bigger. It’s quite a lovely tent where you sleep in cozy sleeping bags with lots of extra blankets and pillows. In the morning light you can see the gentle rays of the sun seeping through the tent while remaining cozy in your bed, thinking about where to take your story next.  

Tent Name: Prayerful Pens

Tent Auntie: Erika

Two facts about the auntie:
She once played her violin while sitting up in a spruce tree. Her first “book” was started in a giant notebook at age 5 and titled “Stories of People and Animals Around the World.”


Tent is known for:
Discussions both deep and fun, daily verses and prayers, question of the day, and seasonal challenges: the Wildflower Challenge, the Seaside Challenge, and the Foliage Challenge!

This is what Auntie Erika said her tent looks like only it’s blue and white and the windows are a little prettier. There are comfortable chairs to sit in and write outside. Looks like you get to sleep on cots or maybe air mattresses here, but you won’t have to duck your head.

Tent Name: Rose Terrace

Tent Auntie: Hannah G.

Two facts about the auntie:
She’s a musician (piano, violin, and viola) and a dog mom; she’s currently working toward becoming a small farmer and growing food.

Extroverted Introvert

Tent is known for:
Having questions every day

This is what Auntie Hannah G. said her tent looks like, only the colors are sage and cream. It’s big enough for 4 bunk beds in each wing and the center is the writing hub. If you run out of bunk beds, you get a choice of sleeping in a hammock or on a mattress on the floor.

Tent Name: Sunrise Peak

Tent Auntie: Angie

Two facts about the auntie:
Loves her big family and writes character- and relationship-focused stories across multiple genres


Tent is known for:
Long stretches of quietness broken by intense bursts of silliness

This is what Auntie Angie said her tent looks like only larger so everyone fits in. The canvas top and walls reach just to cot level and yes, you can sleep on cots here. There is a window in the back that can be opened to let in more air. And no zipping or unzipping the door. Isn’t it lovely?

Tent Name: Tentalizing Tales

Tent Auntie: Rebekah

Two facts about the auntie:
Didn’t start writing her first book until she was in her early 20s; she can play the bowed psaltry, though that is an instrument she’s never included in a story. 


Tent is known for:
Nicknames, pillow fights, and attempting crazy writing challenges, as well as long chats about anything and everything.

This is what Auntie Rebekah says her tent looks like. It has both a front and back porch. The tent is more of a khaki color instead of cream. You sleep in bunk beds here and the sides of the tent can be rolled up. (Don’t worry, there is a screen wall if you roll up the sides.) And a porch swing is on the back porch.

Tent Name: Writer’s Woodland

Tent Auntie: Bethany

Two facts about the auntie:
She writes contemporary fiction with a focus on internal conflict and often has her dog  on her lap as she writes; in her teens she limited her writing primarily to poetry but began to unlock her love of story writing in her early twenties.

Introverted Extrovert

Tent is known for:
Making and eating lots of chocolate bark, attempting to reach crazy writing goals after eating 10x chocolate, and shopping at the Writer’s Woodland store.

This is what Auntie Bethany said about her tent. It is higher from the ground than the picture shows and is suspended between several sturdy pine trees. There is a staircase in the back. The tree house platform has plenty of couches and chairs for writing. You will be sleeping in bunk beds here. One other thing, it is set up not too far from Tentalizing Tales.