Here at The King’s Daughters’ Writing Camp, we have a few rules that we ask each of you to follow.
- Please refrain from using profanity or vulgar speech in your comments or stories that you share as this will offend others and cause an Auntie to speak with you. If it happens more than once, you will be removed from Camp.
- Euphemisms are strongly discouraged since they are often shortened forms of our Lord’s name and we wish to glorify Him in all things.
- Please be considerate and kind even when critiquing others’ stories.
- Remember that even though we are all Christians, there may be points on which we disagree. Please be respectful of the convictions of others and refrain from posting comments that you know will give offense. And if someone’s comment offends you, please do not automatically assume the worst about them. If anything makes you uncomfortable, please reach out to an Auntie.
- This is a camp for Christian ladies. While we love both our brothers in Christ and those outside the family, our desire for this camp is to have a safe place of fellowship for girls of all ages. You are welcome to invite friends, but please only those who meet these criteria.
- Remember the Golden Rule. 🙂